Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our New Swimming Pool

Yes, we finally got a pool... It's wonderful! The boys love it and I like it because it's easy to keep clean. Actually, Jeff keeps it clean - I just watch him do it. :)


Rhea said...

Hey, that looks good! Swimming is ESSENTIAL in the Texas heat here. We do it just about daily, but we don't have that in our backyard, so we have to go to park pools or such.

Your boys are adorable! I have two boys as well.

Nice to meet you! I found you through your comment on Pioneer Woman's site. :o)

Kelly said...

Holy crap! I can't believe someone actually read this! Thanks for the nice comments - nice to meet you too!
We live around the Dallas area also. I'm about tired of this heat!

Liz Harrell said...

Those are adorable boys! I've come so close to buying one of these for myself... but I'm pretty sure the neighbors would snicker at me.

Kelly said...

Oh, I'm sure our neighbors snicker at us too! But I don't care! The boys have fun with it, and that's all that matters to me. :)