Saturday, November 8, 2008


Brendan's last soccer game was this afternoon. He played SO GOOD! I was very proud of him. He played defense most of the game and did really well at blocking the other team from scoring. He even took a spill at one point. That surprised me because he's not usually one to throw his whole body into the game. His team lost the game, but they played better than any other game this season. It was fun to watch!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Not even one week in, and I've blown it! Oh well. Let's catch up now...

What to post...?? Nothing new is really going on around here.

Jake is healing from his mis-haps earlier in the week. His lip is back to normal size, and his chin looks good. His knees still need to be covered with band-aids, but they are getting better.

Brendan is doing great in school! He brought home a salt-dough map of Texas that he made. He got a 95 on it! It looks really good! We really need to work on his spelling words for UIL in the next couple of weeks. The competition is only a month away!

I really need to come up with something interesting to write one of these days... :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Poor Jake

Jake's luck just isn't getting any better. This evening, he and I walked across the street to get Brendan from our neighbors' house and see their new guinea pig. As we were walking back home, Jake tripped over his own feet and fell down on the sidewalk. BOTH knees are scraped now and bleeding. I was able to clean them when we first came inside, but now he won't let me near his knees to try and clean them off or put any Neosporin on them. His lip is still swollen, and he's still talking funny from yesterday's accident. Poor little guy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This blogging thing

I know that no one but me reads this, so it doesn't really matter that I've decided to do this blogging thing every day for 30 days. I read a few other blogs regularly, and there's a challenge out there in blog land to write every day for the 30 days in November. I'd just like to see if I can do ANYthing every day for 30 days straight. It's not likely, but what the heck... I'll give it a shot.

Today was a good day until around 5pm. I had gone over to Milly's for her party-thing, so Jeff took the boys to the airport (with Scott and his kids) to hang out at Founder's Plaza for a while. I get a text from Jeff that says "Injury to Jake. Brendan caused it. Busted chin split lip and teeth into lip. Blood. Driving home and Mia pukes in the damn car." Holy crap! I came home about 30 minutes after that text, and Jake's lip is all swollen. The bleeding had stopped, and he seemed to be acting fine. His chin was scraped a bit, and so was one of his legs. Apparently, Brendan was swinging around on something and knew that Jake was going to be in the way. He asked Jake to move, but he didn't, and Brendan swung around anyway and knocked Jake to the ground. He hit the concrete with his chin, and bit his bottom lip. It looks like his leg got scraped on concrete also. Poor little guy...

This picture was before the "incident". So sweet...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

The boys had a blast last night! Brendan was Captain Rex from Star Wars/Clone Wars, and Jake was Buzz Lightyear. We walked the entire neighborhood, and came home with quite the load of candy! Jeff even dressed up - as a hockey player! We had a great time, even though the temperature was in the high 70s! When we got home, we ended up turning the A/C back on to cool us all down. Then we were comfortable enough to enjoy some candy! :)